Mother's Day this year is different from the norm, with people across the country, and indeed the world, being forced to remotely send their love.
So, we thought we'd spread a little love ourselves, with our round-up of the greatest movie mothers. Scroll down and see if your favourite character made our list, and don't forget to drop us a comment on social media when you're done.
1. Sarah Connor
The movies The Terminator franchise
The year 1984 – 2019
Maternal instinct is a powerful thing but Linda Hamilton's kick-ass, revolutionary sci-fi heroine takes it to the next level. Director James Cameron first introduced us to the mother of the human race's saviour in his 1984 classic, that particular Sarah vulnerable and persecuted.
Come 1991's spectacular sequel Judgment Day however and she's a full-blown warrior, still harbouring fiercely protective instincts for her son but combining them with a fearsome onslaught of strength.
In 2019, Hamilton's trendsetting character returned in Terminator: Dark Fate, produced by Cameron and directed by Deadpool film-maker Tim Miller.
2. Helen Parr/Elastigirl
The movie The Incredibles and Incredibles 2
The year 2004 & 2018
Not only a loving mother and devoted wife but a super-stretchy action hero too, Helen Parr aka Elastigirl is the sort of parent we'd want by our side during a drastic end-of-the-world situation. Disney-Pixar's animated classic introduces us to a whole family of domestic superheroes and among them, Holly Hunter's brilliantly memorable character stands out.
In 2018's long-delayed Incredibles sequel, Helen took centre stage as the face of a brand new superhero PR campaign. This leads to lots of amusing and topical gender skewering when husband Bob/Mr. Incredible (Craig T. Nelson) is left at home to look after the kids.
3. Bambi's mother
The movie Bambi
The year 1942
Just the mere mention of Bambi's kind-hearted, tragically ill-fated parent is enough to wrench the heart. Voiced by Paula Winslowe, she does a stand-up job of educating her adorable infant son in the ways of the world – until the famously tear-jerking moment in which the young fawn is left all on his own.
4. Mary
The movie E.T. The Extra-Terrestrial
The year 1982
Jumping 40 years on from Bambi, and we come to Dee Wallace's warm-hearted portrayal of the newly separated mum in Steven Spielberg's family-friendly masterpiece. Mary is struggling to bring up her children, including lead character Elliott (Henry Thomas) – only for a visitor from outer-space to bring her family together in ways she could never have imagined.
5. Barbara
The movie Shaun of the Dead
The year 2004
Actress Penelope Wilton all but steals this rom-zom-com from star Simon Pegg as the eponymous Shaun's hilariously befuddled mother. Largely oblivious to the fact that she's in the midst of a zombie outbreak, Barbara ultimately meets a tragic fate – a scene that lends unexpected pathos to Pegg and Edgar Wright's otherwise hysterically funny zombie parody.
6. Molly Weasley
The movies The Harry Potter franchise
The years 2001-2011
Don't mess with this seemingly benign, woolen-clad mum! As played by British national treasure Julie Walters, Molly largely remained in the background of the Harry Potter franchise. That is until the memorable moment in the final film where she finishes off evil Bellatrix Lestrange (Helena Bonham Carter) with the classic line, "Not my daughter, you b**ch!"
7. Philomena
The movie Philomena
The year 2013
Judi Dench was Oscar-nominated for her magnificent performance in this moving drama as an Irish woman searching for the son from whom she was separated 50 years earlier. Based on a heartbreaking true story (adapted by Steve Coogan, who also stars as journalist Martin Sixsmith), Philomena is a powerful reminder that some mums will do anything for their sons.
8. Dumbo's mother
The movie Dumbo
The year 1941, 2019
In 2019, emotional Disney classic Dumbo was given a slick live-action reboot by Alice in Wonderland director Tim Burton, populated by a starry cast including Colin Farrell, Eva Green, Danny DeVito and Michael Keaton.
But the most important thing to note is the return of Dumbo's mother. And yes, the heartbreaking 'Baby Mine' scene where she cradles her adorable infant still features...
9. Adelaide Wilson
The movie Us
The year 2019
Jordan Peele's fiercely entertaining and provocative horror-comedy Us finds its centre in Lupita Nyong'o's persecuted mother figure. The story revolves around traumatised parent Adelaide whose imminent confrontation with her family's doppelgangers, known as the 'tethered', calls up dark demons from her past, particularly as she faces her evil double 'Red'.
The remarkable Nyong'o gives a dual performance as both Adelaide and her 'tethered' mirror. In both instances, we're faced with two tenacious, resourceful mother figures who will do anything to ensure the survival of their family. But in the case of the latter, her intentions are malicious and violent – clad in red and wielding fearsome gold scissors, 'Red' spells doom not just for Adelaide's family but, seemingly, America as a whole. Of course, there's a twist in the mix...
And someone we really wouldn't like to have as a mother...
Mrs. Bates in Psycho (1960)
Alfred Hitchcock's seminal horror features one of the most sinister mothers in film history – although she never appears alive on-screen at any point. Nevertheless, she exerts a malevolent hold on lonely motel owner Norman Bates (Anthony Perkins) – resulting of course in the film's famously shocking shower scene. Mama Bates' twisted history is explored even further in American TV series Bates Motel, starring Vera Farmiga and Freddie Highmore.
Like our choices? Don't forget to share your own with us – who are your favourite movie mothers? Tweet us @Cineworld.