4 reasons why you need to watch Twisters – and the original Twister – in 4DX

Twisters has been one of the movie hits of the summer, delivering thunderous thrills to awe-struck cinema goers. But to experience Lee Isaac Chung’s blockbuster sequel at its most exhilarating, you really need to watch it in 4DX – and you now have an opportunity to do just that. From 20-22 September, Cineworld will be showing Twisters in this marvellous, multi-sensory format, thrusting viewers right into the eye of the storm. Excitingly, on the same weekend, you can also catch the original 1996 Twister film in 4DX, giving you the chance to experience Jan De Bont’s action classic like never before. Tickets for these special screenings go on sale today (4 September), costing £10 for 4DX or £5 if you want to watch either film in the standard 2D format.

But what will it be like watching these two brilliant movies in 4DX? Here, we highlight some of the amazing things you can expect when you take your seats in September. Fasten your seatbelts and prepare for the ride of your life…



You’ll be blown away – almost literally

Movies about tornadoes are tailor-made for 4DX, in which special effects and ultra-realistic motion combine to deliver the most immersive experience possible. Watching Twister and its sequel in this format will catapult you right into the tornadoes’ destructive path, with wind and rain effects, plus ultra-realistic motion, putting you in the shoes of the movies’ characters. One scene in Twisters sees a giant tornado ripping a theatre apart, sucking people out of their seats. There’s no chance of that happening during your visit, of course, but you might feel like it is!


It'll be an awesome ride

It’s not just the twisters themselves that’ll be recreated during your 4DX screening – if anything dramatic is happening on screen, you’ll be immersed in the scene as if you were experiencing it for real. Whether it’s a 4x4 hurtling desperately along a bumpy track, a tree crashing against a car windscreen or a cowboy riding a bucking bronco, your seat will shake and shudder in giddying synchronicity. It brings a whole new dimension to the action genre.



It'll look and sound incredible

Alongside that array of special effects, Cineworld’s eye-popping 3D visuals and incredibly realistic sound will help you to live and breathe every moment of the movie, providing a visceral sensation that you’ll be dying to tell your friends about. Ever wondered what it looks and sounds like to have a giant tornado ploughing straight towards you while a shower of debris rains down on your head? Now’s your chance to find out!



You might not get another chance for a while

Watching Twister and Twisters in the 4DX format is truly unforgettable, and something that everyone should experience at least once. Don’t miss your chance to witness these two blockbusters in the immersive format on the weekend of 20-22 September. At this point, we don’t know when they’ll be shown in 4DX again. Certainly in the case of the 1996 original, it might not be for some time.