Spider horror Sting creeps out Unlimited members during our preview screening

Unlimited members capped off the Bank Holiday weekend with their latest Unlimited screening. We invited arachnophobes to our preview of the creepily enjoyable Sting, which explores the twisted bond between a young girl and her mutated spider that soon runs rampant in an apartment block.

Gutted to have missed the screening? Scroll to the end of this post, sign up Unlimited and ensure you never miss a single movie from now on. Before you do so, read some of the reactions from last night's showing. Will you be brave enough to watch Sting at Cineworld after reading these?


Sting is released at Cineworld on May 31st.

Don't miss a single preview screening. Join Unlimited today and for less than the price of two tickets per month, you get to enjoy advance screenings, 10% off your favourite snacks and drinks and lots more exciting perks. Click the link to sign up today.