Cineworlders share their reactions to our Secret Screaming horror movie The Monkey

Image of Tatiana Maslany in The Monkey movie

New movie The Monkey isn't a kitchen sink biopic of Johnny Vegas' hand-knitted, tea-slurping best friend (kudos if you get that retro reference). Instead, it's a surrealistic, bonkers and barnstormingly gory adaptation of Stephen King's short story. The film acted as our latest Secret Screaming offering, playing to eager Cineworld audiences, and we've curated some of their reactions.

Longlegs filmmaker Osgood Perkins stages memorable deaths aplenty in this story of a mechanical, cymbal-banging simian and the carnage it wreaks on those nearby. Theo James stars in the dual role of Hal and Bill, twin brothers who remember the monkey's rampage and its involvement in a family tragedy. The bad news is that after several years, the monkey has returned...

Gorehounds, horror movie aficionados and black comedy fans ought to line up as Perkins taps into his nihilistic sense of humour and expands on King's original text (taken from the author's 1985 Skeleton Crew collection). If you're in the mood for something twisted this February, check out the following reactions and then book your tickets at the end of this post.

First, some reactions from X...


And for the first time, we’re including reviews from the Cineworld community over on Letterboxd.

Below are some of the best reviews from last night's Secret Screaming. Join us on Letterboxd and make sure to tag us in your write-ups.


Are you ready to meet The Monkey? If so, book your tickets via the following link. The film is released on February 21st.